What’s in a Word? (Video)
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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90% of business presentations focus on the supplier – their products, their history, their existing customers. Which generates a massive mismatch and tension from the get-go.
And since you only get one chance to make a good impression (before you are ejected from the sales cycle), Quantum equips clients to blow the socks off prospects to take you all the way to winning the order.
EMEA Project Director, Canon
But since many presentations to senior and powerful decision makers and buyers are required right at the end of the sales cycle, maximising your effectiveness and success at this critical stage increases your chances of winning the deal and dramatically reduces your overall cost of sale.
60% of typical purchasing decisions are fully completed before today’s decision makers even engage with the salespeople of their potential suppliers. The canny sales organisation knows this, so has already adapted its ways of selling to accommodate this paradigmatic shift.
Our Sales Messaging / Value Proposition definition services bring you to a full understanding of what customers and prospects value most highly about your offerings from their perspective. So that you can increase your revenues from each offering.
Is the look and feel of a presentation – its visual style – the most vital ingredient of a powerful sales presentation?
For most business audiences the answer is “no”, but your visuals are what helps build that all-important first impression.
Get that wrong and you are out of the door. So we help you get the visuals looking great. But brilliant visuals, whilst, necessary, are not sufficient on their own.
If visuals aren’t the most important thing, then what is?
Flip the roles. Stop thinking like a presenter. For a second put yourself in the audience.
Clarity on how you deliver value trumps everything else (including bullet points delivered by an awkward presenter.
Which is why we start with value. Your value.
Your value requires that we nail your essential sales messages, structure them into the most powerful story form possible and then test the messages and the story in the form of a Storyboard. Only when this is all signed off – and your value 100% defined and agreed – do we move on to Design and building your presentation.
Sales Executive, Global Financial Services, Geneva
Your presentations don’t have to be things of perfect beauty, but you’ll be far more successful in sales if your sales decks are magnetically visual!
But hang on. Is the look and feel of a presentation – its visual style – the most vital ingredient of a powerful sales presentation?
Actually, “no”! If visuals aren’t the most important thing, then what is?
To answer that flip the roles. Stop thinking like a presenter. For a second put yourself in the audience.
But design is still essential. A shoddy amateurish presentation puts you immediately on the back foot in your meeting – a place you seriously don’t want to be.
Make the Design a key part of your considered approach to building your new presentation, but don’t put all of your eggs (i.e. your money) in the Design basket.
The Quantum build process takes Design very seriously. But it’s one of the last stages in our process.
Sometimes there’s no option short term other than getting practical, hands-on support for a key presentation.
But when taking the longer view, wouldn’t you be better placed to improve future win rates if your team was fully empowered …
Then your own teams and people directly enjoy the benefits of better presentations and improved win rates.
Where do you need to improve and who needs to improve … to what extent and how quickly?
A potentially blended programme of Training, Coaching and Workshops on-site and / or off-site will drive you towards the speedy realisation of your desired sales presentation goals.
Business Engagement Manager, Major Global Bank
Data Analyst, Major Global Bank
The paradigm shift to online selling and learning means that existing materials need to be refreshed to make them fit for purpose (or created from the ground up).
Sure, there’s stuff we can do! Angle the webcam so we aren’t showing off our nasal hair, buy a decent microphone, improve the lighting so we can be seen clearly, learn (and keep on top of) the functions of Teams and Zoom.
But there’s no hiding from sub-standard materials – presentations and video.
Quantum follows a proven step-by-step method to make sure that your online presentations have the biggest impact with audiences and buyers.
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
You can make profound changes to your sales conversion rates...
The sales proposals and presentations that they developed with us were outstanding. The underlying messages were simple and crisp, appealing directly to our targeted audiences. Their role in delivering key sales wins in London and in the South West was absolutely invaluable
Here we take a look at the things you should consider before...
Get Ready to Walk At the end of your sales meeting or call...
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