What’s in a Word? (Video)
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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Quantum works with you to develop powerful sales messages that resonate with your audiences and compel them to take action with you
The canny sales organisation knows this, so has already adapted its ways of selling to accommodate this paradigmatic shift.
The rise of the internet means that buyers have a huge amount of information about your products – and your competitors’ – at their fingertips.
Failure to differentiate your solution and your company will result in your prospect buying from your competitor or not buying anything at all.
Our Sales Messaging / Value Proposition definition services bring you to a full understanding of what customers and prospects value most highly about your offerings from their perspective. So that you can increase your revenues from each offering.
Our Value Proposition services bring you to a full understanding of what customers and prospects value most highly about your offerings from their perspective.
Documented messages are thoroughly tested and sense-checked before being visualised to provide another perspective and so allow for further testing. After all, audience respond better to images than to words.
The best sales messages and structured, packages and then inform the creation of a new raft of powerful media – sales presentations, website, proposals, social media campaigns, promotional collateral …
…so that you can increase your revenues from each of your offerings.
In our Value Proposition workshop we work with your people to get under the bonnet of your offer from the perspective of the prospect (i.e. come to a clear understanding of what your prospective clients truly value).
A stronger VP consequently underpins stronger sales presentations, proposals and promotional collateral.
Quantum develops powerful sales and marketing messages that resonate with your audiences, prospects, followers, and customers, compelling them to take action with you.
60% of typical purchasing decisions are fully completed before today’s decision makers even engage with the salespeople of their potential suppliers. The canny sales organisation already knows this and has adapted its ways of selling to accommodate this paradigmatic shift.
The rise of the internet and social media means that buyers have a huge amount of information about your products – and your competitors’ – at their perusal.
This means that your business offers really must shine when purchasers do come into contact with your promotional material, your sales professionals, your sales presentations and your proposals.
Listing off reams of features and benefits is unlikely to win you new customers or fans.
Your prospects just don’t have the energy or inclination to be dragged through a never-ending field of weeds – it’s easier for them just to sit this one out and zone out!
Quantum will work with you to persuade suspects / prospects that you will meet their needs better than your rivals.
This level of persuasion necessitates a limited number of vital differentiators, coupled with plausible evidence that puts very clear water between you and your competitors.
Only in this way can you enjoy the confidence that buyers in your market will be convinced that your proposed solution works best for them and offers real value.
Uncover your value with Quantum and then sell on value.
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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The sales proposals and presentations that they developed with us were outstanding. The underlying messages were simple and crisp, appealing directly to our targeted audiences. Their role in delivering key sales wins in London and in the South West was absolutely invaluable
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