What’s in a Word? (Video)
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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Weak differentiation – conversely – is where you are simply describing a feature, then failing to provide details of any associated benefits, nor offering up any supporting evidence
In helping develop your critical differentiatiors, Quantum engages with key members of your marketing team, sales personnel and other nominated senior participants in a “kick-off” meeting.
You’ve then got yourself a “golden thread” – a set of tight, consistent messages for use across all of your sales and promotional media.
CEO, Healthcare, Watford
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
You can make profound changes to your sales conversion rates...
The sales proposals and presentations that they developed with us were outstanding. The underlying messages were simple and crisp, appealing directly to our targeted audiences. Their role in delivering key sales wins in London and in the South West was absolutely invaluable
Here we take a look at the things you should consider before...
Get Ready to Walk At the end of your sales meeting or call...
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