What’s in a Word? (Video)
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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If your win rate is consistently less than one in three then, depending on your market, there may be something fundamentally wrong with the way in which you are bidding.
Now, the problem could still be relatively easy to solve … are you just bidding for too many opportunities or pursuing opportunities that you are never realistically going to win because there are far stronger providers out there than you?
But how are you going to choose the best opportunities with the highest chance of winning? Or is a more far-reaching solution required to eliminate endemic blockers to bid success?
Quantum can help set your proposal strategy and create plans for future proposal success via services which include:
Honestly, how good are your proposals … and how can you know for certain where your proposals sit on the excellence spectrum?
We always encourage Bid Teams to get as much feedback as possible from the prospect at the end of the bid cycle when you have lost a bid as well as when you have actually won.
However, even where you are able to solicit feedback it can often be both shallow and noncommittal, meaning that there is very little that you can use to build a practical action plan to get better next time.
In some cases we can assess the relative merits of your bids against those developed by other organisations (where available, with confidentiality absolutely assured). This is proposal benchmarking.
There is no reason for us to hold back and, arguably, being rather direct and somewhat blunt leads to the best and fastest improvements in your proposals.
Win Themes are not just the same as your VP. Win Themes are bid-specific.
Much better to find your true differentiators and highlight these in your bid as your key Win Themes.
But only too often the underpinning Value Proposition itself isn’t strong enough.
And since Win Themes often spring from the Value Proposition, a flabby VP leads to weak Win Themes which, in turn, means poor, uncompelling bids.
CEO, Healthcare, Watford
More formal procurement processes may demand that relevant supporting materials be provided in parallel to the main answers supplied in the tender (frequently as separate PDF attachments).
And whilst we do understand this temptation, consider this:
How impressed will your prospect be if, instead, they are reviewing supporting collateral with their own logo in there addressing topics that are relevant to them, and only relevant topics?
In other words, how might your audience feel about receiving supporting collateral that is just for them and just right for them?
We have yet to have a client who admits that they don’t have a bid process, but we have been party to plenty of really flaky processes, many of which have never been documented, so they are really difficult to scrutinise and therefore improve.
Our start point is this:
Quantum’s workshops bring together key personnel to agree and shape the right bid process for you, whether that means starting from scratch or improving what is already in place.
CEO, Healthcare, Manchester
Does this sound familiar?
If so, the core Bid Team and domain experts contributing to your bids are probably having to spend time at vital moments looking for proposal content that has already been generated in the past.
And then, when you find something that looks pretty good, is it actually the best content for the particular question that you are now being asked?
Issues like version control, following approved sign-off protocols and rapid content search are rarely issues that set the pulse racing!
We know about proven protocols and Content Management Systems (CMS) – from the rudimentary (fast to implement) to the sophisticated and slick – that can make the life of the bidder much, much easier.
One of the hottest topics right now is Sales and Marketing alignment, with most commentators agreeing that any organisation’s ability to generate new revenues is maximised when the Sales and Marketing functions are properly aligned to work well together.
Where does your Bid Process fit? Is Bidding ultimately the responsibility of Sales? Or what about Marketing? Both? Perhaps another department entirely?
Such considerations might appear somewhat esoteric when you are focused on getting the next bid out of the door on time, but an inability to see the bigger business picture may be hampering business success. Which is why we help clients refine their sales process to fully align with their bid process and its resource requirements.
Working on proposals can sometimes make Bid Team members feel like headless chickens as they stumble from one bid to the next with reduced energy and rising sick leave rates serving as a pretty accurate barometer of the health of the team and – indirectly – the likely quality of your proposals.
This, however, assumes that you know how to select the right bids to go for and the right ones to avoid. And this is the rub. How on earth can you make such big calls accurately 100% of the time, especially when you’ve got the Sales Director or the CEO telling you to get as many proposals out there as you can physically (and mentally!?) handle?
If this dilemma is one you recognise what you may need is an intelligent qualification matrix tool that everyone buys into …
… including your Sales Director, Managing Director and CEO; a new qualification tool that can be trusted to arrive at correct Bid / No Bid decisions and which ranks the relative attractiveness of the bids you want to proceed with.
Best-in-class Bid Teams have clear strategies, plans and processes in place with a well-tamed beast ready for action in their competitive marketplace. There’s every chance that you already know that you’ve got to sort out your strategy and processes, but you don’t have the time right now to fix these things … there’s a live bid that has to be pulled together first.
If this is the situation that you find yourself in right now then your immediate need is best addressed by our Live Bid Support is perfect for getting though short-term situations when you may not be otherwise able to cope.
Longer term, however, our Training, Coaching and Workshops facilitate the transference of our expert skills to your own people, empowering you to enjoy sustainable improved win rates into the future.
Head of Marketing, Construction, Cardiff
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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The sales proposals and presentations that they developed with us were outstanding. The underlying messages were simple and crisp, appealing directly to our targeted audiences. Their role in delivering key sales wins in London and in the South West was absolutely invaluable
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