What’s in a Word? (Video)
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
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How many times have you been here …
Let’s be honest, you just don’t have the internal resources nor the time available to develop a head-turning proposal at the desired quality standard. What are your options?
Well, you could simply “No Bid” and wave goodbye to the opportunity … if only the MD would let you!
Or you could just do the best you can under the circumstances: which you know isn’t good enough and could have ramifications for your organisation’s reputation and even your own career trajectory.
Alternatively, you could invite us in to assist in the creation of the Winning Proposal.
We’d like to think that this last option is your best option, but how exactly do we help in this sort of situation?
Our core Live Bid Support service includes:
The Winning Proposal invariably has just three to five killer win themes.
Your Bid Team and other contributors will be facilitated to arrive at the very best win themes and guided to correctly deploy your win themes consistently through your entire proposal.
Would your Bid Team and Manager benefit from an external – but approachable – expert able to give oversight and objectivity at the strategic level for your bid?
Quantum is ready to provide you with such expertise and offer the guidance required to raise the quality of your proposal.
Perhaps your greatest challenge is getting everything done on time?
When strong and timely execution of the essential steps to complete your bid to the necessary quality standards is crucial …
CEO, Healthcare, Manchester
The Executive Summary is right up there with your Financials section as the most important element of your proposal – you’ve simply got to get this right.
Following your brief we create (or re-work) the Executive Summary for you. A professional Executive Summary additionally helps serve as a “yardstick” which is then applied to the rest of your proposal documentation.
This ensures consistency of flow and keeps your readers focused on the unique, differentiated benefits that only you can bring to them.
Or a service that you might value even more … we will show your team exactly how we do it, so that you can develop fantastic Executive Summaries in the future independently.
Has one of your bid writers gone down sick (perhaps with the stress of recent workload?!) …
… or perhaps you just don’t have enough manpower available to meet your bid deadline?
Outsource the problem to us!
We live in an era when we need to get the message across really quickly, and ideally at a single glance.
Just think about how you operate yourself.
A picture paints a thousand words (as the time-honoured cliché goes), but a great picture also keeps the word count down!
The Winning Proposal takes complex but important ideas in raw text (and even verbal) form to re-create them as stimulating and intuitive graphics that are instantly grasped by your readers and reviewers … your buyers!
Unfortunately, some of the people that you want to involve in the shortlisting presentation may have had only limited – and potentially zero – involvement in the development of the proposal itself.
Yet you cannot afford the risk of all the effort that you have put in so far going to waste at the final hurdle.
The shortlisting team must be brought to the point where they are all “on the same page” … and that “page” must be visual, compelling and different.
Working with your nominated team we will develop a powerful presentation for your forthcoming shortlisting meeting (usually in Microsoft PowerPoint).
But again, a wonderful shortlisting presentation alone will not guarantee success.
Even the most experienced directors and knowledgeable operations personnel, for instance, can trip up during the Q&A (Questions and Answers) session that follows the shortlisting presentation.
So we get your team to the point where that won’t happen (yet without the team appearing “unnatural” or “rehearsed”).
CEO, Healthcare, Watford
Sell more by using better words. Compel your prospects to buy from you by harnessing the power of words. Be more positive and audience-centric in the way you use words in all sales interactions.
You can make profound changes to your sales conversion rates...
The sales proposals and presentations that they developed with us were outstanding. The underlying messages were simple and crisp, appealing directly to our targeted audiences. Their role in delivering key sales wins in London and in the South West was absolutely invaluable
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